our Story

In April of 2022 I lost my wife and best friend unexpectedly when she was only 36 years old. We have two beautiful girls together ages 9 and 13 who will grow up without their mom and as you would expect all of our worlds turned upside down overnight. What does this have to do with Funko Pops? About that....One of the things that became apparent to me was my life demands a little more flexibility than your standard 9 to 5 job right now. After weighing my options I decided to bet on myself and see if I could at least create a secondary income for our family with hopes that this can possibly grow into something more. After discovering and being a part of the Funko community I know how awesome we are and and we happen to be collectors just like you!

We found Funko Pops! as a way to bring our family closer together. All of us found something within the vast Funko universe that was relatable. The 10 year old is really into Anime right now? Funko has you covered. 14 year old mentioned that if her mom was still alive that they would have collected the Disney line? What's a dad to do other than get her Funko Disney collection started. Once I realize that Funko has also tapped in to my love of pop culture covered through a vast library of Music, Horror, Movies and TV collectibles and it starts to become apparent why Funko has grown into the giant it has become.We have a vision of becoming a dedicated hub for all things Funko. My dad gave me probably the best advice I could have gotten as I was building this site in that he asked me if I am bringing something different to the table? I really think that what we have here is different from what else is out there. I think you will see for yourself the level of utmost transparency we are trying to bring to the table and as with any aspiring company, we are wanting to build into something bigger and I hope all of you stick around and enjoy the ride.